I headed north up the Mississippi River to Fulton, IL, for a retreat at Susan's Calico Creations. I worked on quite a few projects during the retreat. Below is my three tier tub, purchased at Wal Mart, that I took all my projects in. I was so proud that I controlled the amount of stuff I hauled to the retreat. I am bad about packing everything but the kitchen sink. So I did much better this time and I pre-cut most of my projects so I could just sit and sew. This pre-cutting helps make my retreat much more productive.
My first project was working on this barn block designed by Bee in My Bonnet. The first tutorial of blocks start on July 28, 2013, on her blog. Click on the above link to find the block patterns and tutorials.
Below is a wall hanging I have made with two other blocks. Lori Holt is the name of the designer on Bee in My Bonnet. She also has an adorable tractor block to go with the two different barn blocks.
I worked on another Pocket Prayer Quilt. This one was blue.
Then I moved on to make 33 log cabin style blocks for my friend's quilt. My friend, Kelly, raises Shetland Sheep. We are going to use wool batting made from her sheep's wool. Isn't that cool!

This is what I am getting ready to work on today. I will be loading it on the longarm for quilting.
Notice I have been puddling threads to decide which one to use. I texted pictures of the thread choices to my customer and she has picked a bright variegated thread. Whoop, Whoop, quilt on!Have a motivating Monday.
Yours in quilting,