
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Working on Wednesday

This past weekend, my friend Cathy K, gave a class on how to clean and maintain your Featherweight sewing machine.  There were four students in the class and it was very informative as well as hands-on learning.
Our teacher was "Little Cathy" in the black top on the right side of the above picture.  I am the one with the olive colored shirt. Notice in the background that all the walls are carpeted.  Every wall is a design wall. 
Below we are learning to use Singer lubricant on the gears.  Little Cathy was great about going around and working individually with each of us.
Below, I went home and set-up my Featherweight table and worked on a quilt while watching The Bachelor Monday night.  It was really cold here and I didn't feel like going to the basement.
Hope you had a good day and got a little sewing in.
Yours in quilting,

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