
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday

I am working on getting caught up on customer quilts this week.  I finished one yesterday and loading the next another today.  This one has taken a fair amount of communication with the quilter.  We have been texting and talking on the phone to clarify the quilting plan. 

Yesterday, I spent sometime working on meals for the rest of the week.  The schedule for rest of the week is crazy at best.  I will be pushing to finish customer quilts each day until I have to go to my part time job and/or quilt guild meetings.
Tonight is raviolis and vegies.

Tomorrow night BBQ, then Thursday will be leftovers night.
Friday is our pizza night out.
Saturday and Sunday, Rod and I worked on all our flower beds. 

The squirrel were very curious.  They had to check out the hostas we had dug up.
 Rod went and picked up a whole truckload of gold mulch.  Hopefully, we have about reached the maintenance stage for our flowers.

Each day we had to clean up and attend a graduation or anniversary party.  It was a great way to cool down with friends after all that hard work.  Now we get to sit back and enjoy it!
Yours in quilting,


  1. Lovely house and gardens! Well worth the effort.

  2. your ravioli looks strangely like tortellini :grin: The garden looks lovely, wish I had the ambition to garden (I have a black thumb! The opposite of a green thumb!)

    1. Yes, you are right. It does look like tortellini but they call them ravs here.
      Thanks for thinking I have a green thumb. Perrennials make it look better.

  3. Dinner looks yummy! What time should I be there?
    Love your house. Wish I could find one like it. We've been looking in Vancouver, WA... gotta move pretty soon. My stuff has been packed away for almost a year!

    1. We'll leave the light on! Let me know when you'll be passing through. Quilters always welcome.
