
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vintage Thursday-Sewing Cabinet

I love that the Colorado Lady has Vintage Thingie Thursday and Time Travel Thursday.  My house is filled with old stuff that we have accumulated for one reason or another.  Today I am sharing my Grandmother's Sewing Cabinet.  In 2009, when we were cleaning out my grandmother's home, this cabinet was in her bedroom. 
I didn't know what it was and certainly couldn't figure out how to open the first drawer.
Finally, one of my friend's told me "don't you know that's a sewing cabinet and the first drawer spins open.
Look I've even kept grandma's dust inside.
So this is what it looks like in my home.  It sits at the top of the stairs in between the bedrooms and bathroom.  On top of it is my vintage milk can with the lighted fall floral arrangement.
Have a terrific Thursday and visit the Colorado Lady, Time Travel Thursday and other blogs for their vintage gems.
Yours in quilting,

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful vintage treasure. It is rare and hard to find. Really looks nice in your home.
